Welcome to my Digital Marketing Blog. I have created this resource as a "one-stop" resource for visitors around the various digital marketing topics that I cover in my courses. There is no shortage of content on the web when it comes to digital marketing, just search "digital marketing" in Google and about 7,780,000,000 results (at time of search) were returned in 0.80 seconds. Where to start?
I have been using Boolean search tactics for close to 30 years and have spent my career researching, investigating and analyzing information. It's a good thing, it is what I really enjoy. However, it is also extremely hard to edit down information in order to articulate the key takeaways and in bits that won't overwhelm students and people with information.
When I started, I "culled" as best I could and had edited down to about 30 articles on top of readings each week. Needless to say, I needed to do better. Each subsequent course, I edit a little more. Then, since I enjoy building websites in my free-time, I decided, maybe the best route would be to create a blog with links to all those supporting articles. This way, I could provide a single resource with multiple sources for those individual's looking to dig deeper if it interests them.
So here we are! I have A LOT of work to do and when it rains digital marketing topics, it pours...so this will be an on-going effort but I hope it will be worth your time.
Thank you for visiting. I hope that you find this information valuable in your effort to gain a better understanding of digital marketing and all the topics and tactics that make it the fascinating subject it is. #digitalmarketing